Your Smile May Be Aging You

Published on December 15, 2016


When we hit a certain age, we tend to place more focus on our appearance and take preventive measures to keep up a youthful look. We exercise, eat right, protect our skin with sunscreen, and visit the salon to dye our hair or undergo cosmetic procedures. But what about your smile?

At my dental office in Spokane, we want all of our patients to be confident with their appearance at every age. And we’re dedicated to doing everything we can to help with that. While we can’t help with hair or exercise, we help with one really important feature — your smile.

When it comes to your smile, there are some things that can make you look older than you really are (and who wants that?). But thankfully there are several options available to combat any trouble you may be having. Here are some common concerns we hear, and their solutions.

Discoloration of Teeth

Whether you enjoy a cup of coffee every morning, or a glass of red wine each night, everyday foods and drinks, or even dated dental work, can cause your teeth to become less than your ideal shade of white. This can make others subconsciously tack years onto your age. Consider professional tooth whitening for an extra boost of brightness, or replace old, metal fillings and crowns with tooth-colored restorations.

Gum Recession

When gums recede, more of the tooth becomes visible, making it look longer. Unfortunately, longer teeth are also associated with a higher age, hence the phrase ‘long in the tooth.’ Gum recession is usually caused by rough brushing, grinding, gum disease, or even genetics. But don’t worry, there are several ways to fix it. If caught early, a simple change in your brushing technique may be enough. If it’s more progressed, a deeper cleaning known as scaling and root planing, or gum grafting may be appropriate. Your dentist in Spokane will discuss the best option for you.

Facial Collapse

When teeth are missing, they may be replaced with a denture or partial. Both are great options to get your smile functioning again. But sometimes, an ill-fitting denture or a long time spent without one, can cause your facial muscles to droop or sag. When your jaw bone isn’t stimulated through forces like chewing, it can actually begin to deteriorate, causing facial muscles like the chin to sink and your face to appear older. Make sure your denture is giving your bone enough stimulation or consider permanent dental implants as a replacement.

If you’re concerned about your smile’s appearance, my Spokane dental office can help. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment. We’ll discuss your smile goals and determine the best way to reach them.

About The Author

Dr. Katherine M. Hakes is a well-rounded dentist committed to providing exceptional patient care. A fellow at the Academy of General Dentistry, she is an active member of several professional associations. Beyond her dental practice, she is passionate about giving back to the community, regularly participating in volunteer initiatives that promote access to dental care and reaching out to underrepresented youth interested in the dental industry.